
  • When they arrested dad, mom committed suicide

    I was six years old in 1952 when the secret police arrested my dad. He was supposed to be a witness at the Slansky trial [the accused General Secretary of the Communist Party]. After dad’s arrest, mom injected me with the same stuff that she killed her dad, her sister and then herself. I survived because somebody took me to a children’s hospital. The…

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  • I was more taken back by persecution of communists

    Intorduction The questions posed to me by Jana Svehlova are more applicable to individuals who were much younger than I was when our parents were imprisoned. In the fall of 1949, at the time of my father’s arrest, I was twenty eight. A year later when my mother was arrested, I was twenty nine. Furthermore, I survived with my brother and my mother…

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     KEY WORDS: political psychology, Stalinism, show trials, socialism By Jana Svehlova With the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918 — at the end of World War I — the Allies recognized the efforts of Czech and Slovak leaders to form a Czechoslovak Republic. This new republic’s large educated middle class adopted a constitution based on an American model. Prague’s University…

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  • Children of Persecuted-Persecutors *

    The Psychological Effects on Children of Czech Jewish Communists after World War II by Jana Svehlova Children of Jewish Communists were interviewed for this project because their parents held top positions in the Communist Party after World War II when those who opposed communism were persecuted.  The interviewees’ parents joined the Communist Party before World…

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  • The letter from the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

    Dear Mrs. Vlahova, Thank you for sending me the speech you intended to deliver at the 1st May public gathering at Letna on behalf of the group Daughters of Political Prisoners. I read it with interest. I appreciate your effort to let our society know about the fate of children of political prisoners whether it is done with the…

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  • The Director’s Daughter

          When I searched for daughters of political prisoners, willing to talk about their experiences, one of the criteria was age 5—12 during the 1950s. Mrs. K. responded with a letter stating, “… I would like to participate even though I am older than the requested elementary school age.  My father was imprisoned for 5 years from 1949 to 1954 in Leopoldov, Ruzyn, at the end in…

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  • Fairytale Story

    When Mrs. O. arrives at the hotel, she orders salad with a comment, “I’ve got to lose some weight.” She suggests she will begin with her childhood, informing me “What I am going to tell you is what I heard from my grandma. I don’t remember because I was a baby when my dad, as a forester, found a wounded man who was shot by…

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